13 April, 2022


Call to Order 

*Meeting called to order by President Mary Patterson, 6:30 p.m. at Ravenna Lumber Company.  

Roll Call 

*Also attending were trustees Mike Pierson, Justin Wilson, Jason Helsen, Mary Arends & Gina Schulz; absent: Denny Emery, Adam Sheridan, Scott McFarren, Hailey Mabrito and Paul Borgman.  

Approval of the Agenda 

*The agenda was unanimously approved on motion by Justin with support from Jason.  

Approval of Minutes  

*Minutes of the March 15, 2022 meeting were unanimously approved on motion by Mary Arends with support from Jason.  Finance Report-Jason reported a $45 bill was paid for web hosting leaving a balance in the checking account of $1,095.73. No info  was available from the fund.  

*Trustees unanimously agreed to withdraw $2,000 from the fund for the May 15 community celebration on motion by Mary P. with  support from Gina.  

Old Business 

Community Celebration-will be Saturday May 14 with a full day of activities around Ravenna Public Schools:  *6 p.m. RCEF will host a reception in RMS cafeteria for graduates, award recipients, RCEF trustees, spouses.  *We will have pizza and bread sticks from Papa P’s; veggies and dip, Ryke’s finger sandwiches (100). Mary Arends will get the  sandwiches and table ware using the $250 grant Gina secured from Gordon Foods.  

*Mary Patterson will work with Jeff Sabin of Papa P’s; Gina will get cookies.  

*7:05 p.m.-Adam will present RCEF Distinguished Alumni award to Bob Waller and Memorial Alumni award to the family of  Donald Nutt on Citizen’s Field.  

*We will use our posters that include RCEF logo, and donors to enhance RCEF presence in the dining room and entrance to  Citizen’s Field.  

*We will use some sort of table covering.  

*Mary is working on getting a car for Distinguished Alumni Bob Waller for the RHS seniors parade. New Business 

*Board unanimously approved grant request from Tammi Kantola for Destination Imagination on motion by Mike support Jason.  Notes… 

Graduation-May 15-Hailey will coordinate distribution of water bottles.  

Plaques-for award recipients have been ordered. 

*Next Meeting-was set for Tuesday June 14, 6:30 p.m. at Ravenna Lumber Company to recap the community celebration,  prepare for Dog Daze and consider having a Taste of Ravenna type event. We will explore the possible use of Nutt Meadows.  *Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted, 

Michael Pierson-secretary 
