12 October, 2022


Call to Order 

*Meeting called to order by President Mary Patterson, 6:30 p.m. at Ravenna Lumber Company.  

Roll Call 

*Also attending were trustees Mike Pierson, Justin Wilson, Gina Schulz, Hailey Mabrito and Adam Sheridan; absent: Scott  McFarren, Jason Helsen. Mary Arends, Paul Borgman.  

Approval of the Agenda 

*The agenda was unanimously approved on motion by Adam with support from Justin.  

Approval of Minutes  

*Minutes of the August 16, 2022 meeting were unanimously approved on motion by Mike with support from Mary.  Finance Report-Jason was absent-financial documents presented showing current fund balance at $274,707.87. It was noted that the  high was after quarter 4 of 2021 at $331,693.47. Current balance in the checking account is $1,935.78.  *Kacie and Chris Walther of Las Vegas donated $500 in honor of their late grandma DiAnn Patterson’s 86th birthday October 17.  Old Business 

*Mary contacted Josh Emery about becoming a trustee but has not heard back from him.  

*RCEF social event possibilities were discussed as well as potential venues. The possibility of combining with the Ravenna Athletic  Hall of Fame for an event is on the table. Justin has a school district leadership team meeting October 12 and this will be discussed.  New Business 

*Board unanimously approved grant requests (approved via e-mail) from Laurie Postema-$350-Caring School Communities; Frank  Marietta-Student Safety-$500; Melanie Block-Crockery Creek Data Collection-$500; Jessica Zayaz-Lego Club-Beechnau Elemen tary-$350.  

*Adam informed the board of his resignation because he needs more family time.  

Correspondence-Mary noted that she received thank you notes from each of the 4 that received grants. Notes…Mary will ask Terry Farr if he would like to serve as an RCEF trustee.  

Fund Raising-Gina will head up a letter writing campaign with assistance from Mike.  

*Next Meeting-was set for Tuesday December 13, 6:00 p.m. at Ravenna Lumber Company. 

*Meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m.  

Respectfully Submitted, 

Michael Pierson-secretary 
